The Practice Secrets program is for any avid golfer looking to lower their handicap with highly effective and efficient practice methods...
If this doesn't sound like you then this program IS NOT for you!
From the desk of Cordie Walker:
Dear Golfer,
Have you struggled to take your range game to the course?
Do you feel like you're just wasting time when you practice?
Do most of your practice sessions seem boring, monotonous, and always seem to end with you frustrated, swearing, and machine gunning 7 irons trying to figure out why you can’t hit it better?
I’m really excited because I want to show the key learning and practice concepts that can help you reduce your practice time but get you playing better golf out on the golf course.
I was like you… Unable to figure out what actually mattered when I practiced.
The more time I spent on the range nailing down a perfect 3 yard fade with my 6 iron the less it seemed to matter.
I mean every time I went to the course it felt like everything I had worked on was out the window by the 4th hole.
I was already hanging out with some of the top instructors and starting asking around about learning and practice… I was blown away by what I found.
There is an entire field called “motor learning” which is studied by researchers and implemented by many coaches in all kinds of sports.
It’s all about improving the effectiveness and efficiency of your practice so you spend your time doing actions that actually help you on the course, during competition, when it counts.
HOWEVER, it has not been widely discussed or implemented in golf…
And I don’t know why.
So I spent about a year talking with every researcher, coach, and player I could find that was talking about better learning and practice.
1 - The way 90% of golfers practice don’t align with good motor learning research.
That means they're most likely wasting a TON of time.
2 - There’s a clear reason why some people seem to get better faster and perform at their best in competition vs on the driving range
3 - With a few simple changes, mindset shifts, and a clear road map any golfer can radically improve their practice to start seeing better results on the course
Does not matter your skill level or location you can start using this strategies right away in your practice.
No more mind numbing practice sessions that become boring and monotonous.
When you understand how learning happens you’ll start to
An easy-to-follow program designed to teach you how to practice so that your skills transfer when you want them most… on the golf course in competition.
We're on a mission to help tens of thousands of golfers achieve their golfing goals by understanding what it takes to practice and learn golf.
Click below to join the movement
$179 value for just $69
This program is designed for any level golfer, coach, or anyone interested in understanding how we learn and practice optimally.
Understanding better practice will help the elite level competitive golfer and beginning amateur.
We’ve built out a custom learning portal to go through the videos, leave comments and your insights while getting the answers you need.
You'll get daily training videos for two weeks and an additional 4 training circuit videos with Iain Highfield.
Our recorded video course is ready and available for you to start going through TODAY.
HERE’S HOW WE MAKE THIS NO RISK TO YOU: Try the entire course. If you don’t LOVE it, I insist that you get 100% of your money back. I’ll even eat the credit-card processing fees.
It’s simple: Join the program and try it for yourself. If the powerful mental frameworks, strategies, and scripts don’t help improve your life in 60 days, I want you to email me. Show me you did the exercises, and I’ll give you all your money back.